Condolence for London bombing
We condemn absolutely the terrorist massacre in London Bombing. We recognize with sadness that among the dead were citizens of many nationalities and faiths, including our own and including Muslims. Many innocent people have been killed and injured. In supporting such action we appear no more morally consistent than the terrorists we condemn.
We offer our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved of the innocent victims of the London bombing . We are at a loss to express our deep sympathy and profound sorrow in a way that can bring confort to the near and dear ones of the blameless victims of the London bombing attacks.
Let us all join together in renouncing terrorism of all kinds. be it the no-name terrorism sent in from the skies or transported through an explosion deep underground. Let is grieve for all vicitims regardless of their race, ideologies,colors, creeds or nationalities.
We offer our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved of the innocent victims of the London bombing . We are at a loss to express our deep sympathy and profound sorrow in a way that can bring confort to the near and dear ones of the blameless victims of the London bombing attacks.
Let us all join together in renouncing terrorism of all kinds. be it the no-name terrorism sent in from the skies or transported through an explosion deep underground. Let is grieve for all vicitims regardless of their race, ideologies,colors, creeds or nationalities.
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