Die Another Day
Die Another Day
Rahmat Abdulkarim
Free Rohingya Campaign
These days a few foreign diplomats arguing the UN to intervene moreaggressively in Burma to bring democracy after long time failing toget any positive result with the previous policies. ASEAN countriesare almost depressed after their realization that Burma MilitaryJunta has no real intention to promote democracy and turning allMilitary departments into Civil Institution gradually. Europeandiplomats also seem to have lost their patience on SPDC's due tocontinues crackdown of Democratic Activists and Human Rightsviolation.The world finally realize that there is going to be a big tragedy ora worst disaster in Burma that is going to be very difficult tocontrol if simply ignore with what the SPDCs dealing with BurmeseNationals especially with ethnic races such as Shan, Keran,Rohingays and Rakhines.
The Rohingyas are the worst affected by the illegal CriminalMilitary Regime. Now the danger of starvation is very imminent ifnot already a few started to die. I don't know how the Internationalaid worker failed to predict the problem and finding steps toprevent this human made tragedy but the consequence is a real danger.Rohingays mostly depends on cultivation can survive with their ownsufficient crops even after charging heavy taxes on them but thistime with strict ban on rice trade only for Rohingyas, freedom ofmovement and with total economic sanction, the Rohingyas are facingunknown destiny.Keran also facing extensive oppression from the Military Junta butso far the brave Keran can still stand to face the tyranny and theresistance movements are very determine to get their lost freedomwhich is almost possible in near future.Shan the natural paradise of Asia, just think Burma without the Shanstate. Shan itself can be an Independent Country if they at anymoment decided for it but so far their love to live within BurmaFederation still the same as before.
The only problem is the SPDC'sDictatorship policy which makes a child gets ready to fight theworst criminals of the world.Rakhines the new Arkaness generation are very doubtful, being one ofmajor ethnic race of Burma and are facing almost all kind ofoppression from the Burmese SPDC's still very calm at least thesedays. We all know that Rakhines had a few attempt to get free fromthe Burmese Occupational force but failed just like other races. Ata time we are expecting the Rakhines to join with other major racesof Burma in their Campaign to get rid of SPDC's rule and promotingdemocracy and national reconciliation, they seems to be veryinterested to fight the already oppressed Rohingyas .As far as I know Rohingyas are not demanding much, they just demandwhat they deserve, they only want their civil and constitutionalrights nothing more or less but they had to face strong oppositionfrom Rakhine first at the same time these Rakhines are almostsatisfy with what the SPDC's are doing with them and with otherraces.We need to know why still most Rakhine if not all of them favor thecurrent Military Government at a time most of the Rakhine prominentleaders are dying in prisons one by one. We know Rakhines are facingall kind of exploitation culturally and economically by SPDCs fromlong time but still their response or actions to these exploitationsseem very soft.It seems to me that Rakhine Monks have a previous deal or some kindof protocol with the Burmese extremist (SPDCs) to terminate allRohingya Muslims population or at least expel them to otherneighboring countries by continuous terrorizing them and then theywill think about the democracy.
If Rakhine can not accept us asBurmese Nationals because we are Muslims and we are the only reasonthat prevent them to make their dream country that is a ReligiousBuddhist Country where every nationals should practice Buddhism astheir religion then what is different between these people withthose of Taliban?Very surprising, Magh at one hand dream to make Burma, a coalitionBuddhist Country and on the other hand they blame Rohingyas asextremist, terrorist, Taliban who wants to make an IndependentIslamic State in Arakan. What should the Rohingyas do? If they wantto participate with other Democratic Movement, they are notacceptable, Rohingyas are not Mongolian, Rohingyas are not BurmeseCitizens, Rohingyas are not Buddhist. They are Bengalis if they sowhy not discuss with the Bangladesh Government.If they are illegal Bangalis then let the Bangladesh Governmentidentify them, let the two countries decide and solve these people'snationality.
If they still can not solve, let the InternationalCourt of Justice decide. Why should the poor people have to suffer?Why the Mongoloid Maghs are citizen of Bangladesh an IslamicMajority Country. Have they been ever told to leave the Muslim landand go to Mongolia or other countries like communist and BuddhistChina?No? Then why you treat other people in such way because of theirReligion and Race. What a greedy people you are (Magh)? you havesecured your feature in Bangladesh and supporting SPDCs Government ahostile Government not only to Muslim Rohingyas but to all otherraces including your own race, still you favor them just because youfear Rohingyas will be free if a Democratic Governmentformed .We have witnessed how the Magh terrorist get taxes from PoorRohingya businessmen, Rohingyas are expected to pay double taxes oneis to Military Officials which can be said as legal since they aregovernment and the other one is to Magh extremist which is not onlyillegal but a crime that history will never forget.As a freedom and human right activist, we need to know all theinjustice and exploitations that the Rohingyas are facing by othersand find a way to stop them otherwise the Rohingays will be readonly in history like the Red Indians.
The Rohingyas should not be the next Red Indians. Rohingyas shouldbe trained like ghosts. Rohingyas should learn how to escape deathlike Dark Angels. We need to know when to defend and when to attack;we need to turn every innocent Rohingya into Rohingya Tigers. Weneed to teach the enemy how to respect us as a Human Being; theyshould not treat us like aliens from Mars.Die Another Day we have a mission to complete.
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Free Rohingya Campaign
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