FRC Activities for Democracy

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Truth Can Not Be Hidden

The Truth Can Not Be Hidden

In the medieval Bengali literary works and in Rennel's map, the name is written 'Roshang' indicating its origin is - Rakshatunga. In coloquial Chittagong dialect, the country is called as 'Roshang,' 'sh' being replaced by 'h'. End

The above quotation is a letter from Dr. Aye Chan to Kyaw Htoo Aung on 11th November 2005 about the history related to the Arakan. Hence, if “sh” being replaced by “h”, then there is no doubt for “Roshang” becaome “Rohang” and the people that living in Rohang as Rohangya, later Rohingya if a little change makes in its pronunciation.

According to the letter, we have nothing to disagree on what he claimed as all these words are going through Arakan or Rakhine (in Burmese tongue). But all the terms are used for real inhabitants of Arakan whether they are Buddhisms, Muslims, Animists, Christians or Hindus. I think that’s why the word Rohingya is a headache for so- claimed Rakhine today unless they don’t like Muslims in the territory.

Anyway, here appears the question on the settlement of Mongoloids (Tibeto-Burmese Tribe) in Arakan as from which era and who are they.

The accusation on Rohingya for being Chittagonians is likely considerable because the Chittagong was never been a part of Bengal before the Moghol invasion.

So far, the use of the term Rohingya is related to the history as which is referred to the people of Arakan.

Ko Ko Linn (YU)

Free Rohingya Campaign (International)